The Basics of Holding a Lacrosse Stick

Are you interested in learning how to play lacrosse but don’t know where to start? Look no further! In this article, we will cover the basics of holding a lacrosse stick, an essential skill for any aspiring player. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your technique, mastering the correct grip and hand positioning is crucial for success on the field. So grab your lacrosse stick and get ready to learn the fundamentals of this fundamental skill.

Grip Styles

When it comes to holding a lacrosse stick, there are several grip styles you can choose from. The right grip style depends on your personal preference and playing style. The two most common grip styles are the one-handed grip and the two-handed grip.

One-Handed Grip

The one-handed grip is often used by attackers and midfielders who need more control over the stick for quick passes and shots. To achieve this grip, wrap your dominant hand around the bottom of the stick, with your palm facing up. Your bottom hand should be gripping the stick lightly, allowing for quick movement and maneuverability.

Two-Handed Grip

The two-handed grip is generally used by defenders and face-off specialists who require more power and stability in their stick handling. To achieve this grip, place your non-dominant hand above your dominant hand on the shaft of the stick, with your palms facing each other. Your top hand should provide most of the strength and control, while your bottom hand acts as a guide.

Hand Position

The position of your hands on the lacrosse stick is crucial for maintaining control and accuracy. The hand position will vary depending on which grip style you choose.

One-Handed Grip Hand Position

With the one-handed grip, your dominant hand should be positioned near the bottom of the stick, about halfway between the bottom hand and the head of the stick. This allows for quick and precise movement of the stick.

Two-Handed Grip Hand Position

With the two-handed grip, your dominant hand should still be positioned near the bottom of the stick, while your non-dominant hand should be placed a few inches above, closer to the head of the stick. This positioning provides stability and control during defensive moves and face-offs.

The Basics of Holding a Lacrosse Stick

Dominant Hand

Your dominant hand plays a significant role in your lacrosse stick handling. It is the hand that provides the majority of control and power.

When holding the lacrosse stick, your dominant hand should be placed near the bottom of the stick, as mentioned earlier. This allows you to have a better grip on the stick, maximizing your control and accuracy. Experiment with your hand placement slightly higher or lower to find what position feels most comfortable and natural for you.

Remember to keep a relaxed grip on the stick to ensure fluid movement and quick reaction times.

Non-Dominant Hand

While your non-dominant hand may not provide as much power as your dominant hand, it still plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and control over the stick.

For the one-handed grip style, your non-dominant hand should be slightly higher up on the shaft, creating a comfortable and balanced grip.

In the case of the two-handed grip style, your non-dominant hand is placed above your dominant hand, providing additional stability and control. This grip style allows for more strength and leverage when checking opponents or taking face-offs.

The Basics of Holding a Lacrosse Stick

Thumb Placement

Thumb placement is an often overlooked component of holding a lacrosse stick, but it can significantly impact your stick handling skills.

For both the one-handed and two-handed grip styles, your thumbs should be positioned on the backside of the stick, opposite your fingers. This position allows for better control and maneuverability. Avoid placing your thumbs directly on top of the stick, as this restricts your range of motion and increases the chance of losing control.

As you become more comfortable with your grip, pay attention to the placement and pressure of your thumbs to optimize your stick handling.


The way you grip and position your fingers on the lacrosse stick can greatly influence your stick handling ability.

For both grip styles, your fingers should be wrapped around the shaft of the stick, providing stability and control. The grip should be firm but not overly tight, allowing for flexibility and quick movement.

Be mindful of not gripping the stick too tightly, as this can lead to unnecessary tension and restricted range of motion. Keep your fingers relaxed and slightly spread apart for better control and comfort.

The Basics of Holding a Lacrosse Stick

Wrist Position

Wrist position is crucial for proper stick handling and shooting technique. The positioning of your wrists can impact the accuracy and power of your shots and passes.

When gripping the lacrosse stick, your wrists should be in a neutral position, neither too flexed nor extended. This allows for a natural range of motion and helps maintain proper stick control.

For a one-handed grip, your wrist should be slightly flexed, allowing for quick and precise movements. In contrast, a two-handed grip requires a more neutral wrist position to provide stability and power when defending or face-off.

Elbow Position

Elbow position plays a significant role in the overall control and power of your stick handling.

For both grip styles, your elbows should be slightly bent. This position provides optimal leverage and control over the stick. Avoid fully extending your elbows, as this can lead to decreased control and difficulty in maneuvering the stick.

Keeping your elbows relaxed and slightly bent allows for quick adjustments and smooth transitions between offensive and defensive moves.

The Basics of Holding a Lacrosse Stick

Angle of the Stick

The angle at which you hold your lacrosse stick is important for various aspects of the game, including passing, shooting, and defending.

When holding the stick for a one-handed grip, the head of the stick should be angled toward the ground, allowing for quick and accurate passes and shots. This angle provides optimal control and precision.

With a two-handed grip, the head of the stick should be parallel to the ground, ensuring a smoother sweep motion for checks and ground ball pickups.

Experiment with different stick angles to find what works best for your playstyle and overall comfort.


Mastering the proper grip and hand positioning for a lacrosse stick is crucial for every player aiming to excel in the game. Whether you choose the one-handed or two-handed grip, pay attention to your dominant and non-dominant hand placement, thumb position, finger grip, wrist and elbow position, as well as the angle of the stick.

Remember, practice makes perfect! The more you familiarize yourself with these techniques and constantly work on improving your stick handling skills, the more confident and successful you will become on the lacrosse field. So grab your stick, find your preferred grip style, and start honing those skills!

The Basics of Holding a Lacrosse Stick