What Does a Lacrosse Ball Look Like?

Imagine holding a small, round object in your hand. It’s about the size of a tennis ball, but with a different texture. Its vibrant color catches your eye, and upon closer inspection, you notice tiny raised bumps covering its surface. This unique item is none other than a lacrosse ball. In this article, we will explore the physical appearance of a lacrosse ball, detailing its size, texture, and color, to give you a clear picture of what it looks like. So, let’s dive into the world of lacrosse and discover the fascinating characteristics of this essential equipment.

What Does a Lacrosse Ball Look Like?

Physical Characteristics


A lacrosse ball is approximately 7.7 to 8 inches in circumference, which makes it slightly larger than a tennis ball. Its size is standardized to ensure consistency across the game, making it easier for players to handle and shoot. The standardized size allows for improved accuracy and control during gameplay.


A lacrosse ball typically weighs between 5 to 5.25 ounces. This weight is carefully regulated to provide optimal performance on the field. It strikes a balance between being heavy enough to be easily thrown and light enough to be caught with precision. The weight of the ball contributes to the fast-paced and dynamic nature of lacrosse.


Lacrosse balls are primarily made of vulcanized rubber. This material ensures durability and longevity, making it suitable for intense gameplay. The rubber construction allows the ball to withstand the forceful impacts that occur during passing, shooting, and checking. Additionally, the rubber material provides an ideal combination of sturdiness and flexibility.


Traditionally, lacrosse balls come in a bright neon yellow or vibrant white color. These colors enhance visibility on the field, allowing players and referees to easily track the ball’s movement. The high visibility also helps spectators follow the game more easily. However, lacrosse balls are also available in various other colors, such as orange and green, for specific training purposes or personal preferences.

Shape and Texture

Spherical Shape

Lacrosse balls have a spherical shape, providing excellent roll and bounce capabilities. The uniform shape of the ball ensures that it moves predictably across the field, allowing players to anticipate its path accurately. The spherical shape also facilitates quick and smooth transfers between players during gameplay.

Smooth Surface

The surface of a lacrosse ball is smooth, ensuring maximum grip and control. The absence of texture or ridges reduces friction between the ball and the player’s stick, guaranteeing a consistent release for accurate passes and shots. The smooth surface also minimizes the likelihood of the ball getting caught on any irregularities on the field.


Despite the smooth surface, lacrosse balls offer a good amount of grip when handled. This enables players to maintain control of the ball during intense gameplay. The grip allows for quick changes in direction, making it easier for players to maneuver past defenders and execute precise shots on goal.


Lacrosse balls are designed to be seamless, with no visible or tangible seams. This construction choice ensures optimal performance and durability. The absence of seams prevents splitting or cracking and ensures a consistent and balanced flight trajectory when the ball is in the air.


Solid Construction

Lacrosse balls are built to withstand the rigors of the game, making durability a key characteristic. The solid construction ensures that the ball can endure repeated impacts and rough handling without losing its shape or functionality. This durability is crucial to prevent the ball from becoming compromised or easily damaged during gameplay.

Resistant to Breakage

The rubber material used in lacrosse balls provides exceptional resistance to breakage. The ball’s sturdy construction allows it to tolerate high-velocity shots, aggressive and precise passing, and forceful stick checks without cracking or breaking. This resistance to breakage ensures that the ball remains intact even in the most intense playing conditions.


Due to their robust construction, lacrosse balls have a prolonged lifespan. With proper care and use, a single lacrosse ball can withstand countless hours of gameplay and training. This longevity makes them a cost-effective choice for both individual players and teams, as it reduces the need for frequent replacements.



Lacrosse balls have a firm compression that allows for optimal performance during gameplay. The firmness ensures that the ball retains its shape and does not become too soft or deformed after multiple uses. This characteristic is essential for consistent passing, shooting, and checking, providing players with the confidence to execute their skills effectively.


The firmness of a lacrosse ball contributes to its bounce properties. When dropped or thrown on a hard surface, such as turf or concrete, the ball has a predictable and lively bounce. This characteristic enables players to anticipate and adjust to rebounds during gameplay, adding an additional strategic element to the sport.


Lacrosse balls have a slightly firm texture, which provides excellent control and accuracy. The hardness of the ball allows players to grip and cradle it effectively without it feeling too soft or squishy. This characteristic enables precise stick handling and enhances overall player performance.

What Does a Lacrosse Ball Look Like?

Certification Standards

NOCSAE Certification

Lacrosse balls that undergo rigorous testing and meet specific safety standards are granted NOCSAE certification. The National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE) ensures that lacrosse balls sold in the market meet specific performance and safety criteria. NOCSAE-certified balls are safe to use and provide players with the peace of mind that they are using equipment that meets industry standards.

SEI Certification

The Safety Equipment Institute (SEI) certification is another meaningful certification standard for lacrosse balls. SEI rigorously tests ball quality and performance to ensure that they meet established guidelines. The SEI certification mark indicates that the ball has passed all relevant tests and is safe for both intermediate and advanced players.

Comparisons with Other Balls


Compared to other balls, such as soccer balls or basketballs, lacrosse balls are relatively smaller in size. The standardized size allows players to handle and control the ball more effectively. The smaller size also contributes to the fast-paced nature of lacrosse, as it requires quick reflexes and accurate passes in a limited space.


In terms of weight, lacrosse balls can be compared to baseballs or cricket balls. However, lacrosse balls are slightly lighter, giving them increased speed and maneuverability during gameplay. The lighter weight allows for quicker passes and shots, adding to the dynamic nature of the sport.


While soccer balls and basketballs are typically made of synthetic materials such as leather or rubber, lacrosse balls solely use vulcanized rubber. This material ensures excellent durability and performance, making it suitable for the fast and physical nature of the game. The exclusive use of rubber sets lacrosse balls apart from other sports balls.


In terms of appearance, lacrosse balls may have similarities with tennis balls due to their size and color. However, lacrosse balls have a smoother and more streamlined appearance, devoid of the fuzzy texture that tennis balls possess. The vibrant colors of lacrosse balls, such as neon yellow or white, also differentiate them from other sports balls.

What Does a Lacrosse Ball Look Like?

Common Brands


STX is a well-known brand in the lacrosse industry, offering a wide range of high-quality lacrosse balls. Their balls are known for their durability, grip, and reliable performance. STX lacrosse balls are widely used by professional players and teams.


Brine is another reputable brand that manufactures top-notch lacrosse balls. Their balls are known for their consistent flight and bounce. Brine lacrosse balls are a popular choice among players of all skill levels, including beginners and professionals.


Warrior lacrosse balls are renowned for their excellent quality and durability. These balls are designed to withstand intense gameplay and maintain their shape and performance over time. Warrior lacrosse balls are favored by many players who seek reliability and longevity.


Maverik lacrosse balls are highly regarded for their superior grip and feel. These balls provide excellent control and accuracy during passes, shots, and catches. The Maverik brand is trusted by lacrosse enthusiasts seeking high-performance equipment.

Under Armour

Under Armour lacrosse balls combine durability and performance, making them a favorite among lacrosse players. Their balls are known for their consistent flight trajectory and solid construction. Under Armour lacrosse balls provide excellent value for both recreational and competitive players alike.

Uses in Lacrosse


Lacrosse balls serve as the primary game balls in both men’s and women’s lacrosse. They are used during official matches, providing players with the perfect balance of firmness, weight, and grip. The standardized size and weight of lacrosse balls ensure a level playing field across all games.

Practice Ball

Lacrosse balls are commonly used for practice drills and training sessions. Their firmness and weight make them ideal for honing passing, shooting, and catching skills. Practicing with lacrosse balls helps players improve their muscle memory and coordination, leading to enhanced performance on the field.

Rebounder Training

Rebounder training is an essential aspect of lacrosse practice, allowing players to work on their passing, catching, and reaction speed. Lacrosse balls are often used with rebounder nets to simulate game-like scenarios and improve hand-eye coordination. The firmness and bounce of lacrosse balls make them perfect for this purpose.

Massage Therapy

Lacrosse balls are not limited to on-field use; they also have applications in massage therapy. The small size and firm texture of lacrosse balls make them effective tools for self-massage. When rolled against tense or sore muscles, lacrosse balls provide deep tissue massage, helping to relieve muscle tension and promote relaxation.

Popular Accessories

Ball Bag

A ball bag is a must-have accessory for lacrosse players and coaches. It is designed to conveniently store and transport multiple lacrosse balls. Ball bags often come in various sizes and materials, providing players with options to suit their specific needs. These bags are durable, easy to carry, and have compartments to keep balls organized.

Ball Stop

A ball stop is a simple yet essential accessory that prevents lacrosse balls from rolling away during practice or training sessions. It is a small device, typically made of rubber or plastic, that attaches to the end of a lacrosse stick. The ball stop efficiently holds the ball in place, allowing players to focus on their drills without constantly chasing after rogue balls.


Cradlebabies are handy gadgets designed to improve stick skills by enhancing ball control. These small devices mimic the shape and weight of a lacrosse ball, allowing players to practice cradling, passing, and faking without the risk of damage or loss. Cradlebabies are especially popular among beginner and youth lacrosse players.


Lacrosse balls are compact, durable, and designed for optimal performance on the field. Their standardized size, weight, and material ensure consistency and reliability in gameplay. Whether used for official matches, practice drills, or therapeutic massages, lacrosse balls have become an integral part of the lacrosse world. With various reputable brands and accessories available, players can tailor their equipment to suit their preferences and needs. So, grab a lacrosse ball, hit the field, and experience the exhilarating sport of lacrosse!