Why Was Lacrosse Called The Medicine Game?

Have you ever wondered why lacrosse is referred to as the “medicine game”? This intriguing name has deep roots in the history and culture of the sport. From its origins as a sacred ritual played by Native American tribes to its modern-day embodiment of unity, endurance, and healing, lacrosse has earned its title as the “medicine game.” Let’s explore the fascinating reasons behind this name and how it encompasses more than just a sport.


Lacrosse, often referred to as the “Medicine Game,” holds a deep-rooted significance in Native American culture. This ancient sport has its origins deeply entwined with spiritual beliefs, healing practices, and traditional rituals. By delving into the historical and cultural aspects of lacrosse, we can understand why it has been called the “Medicine Game” and how it serves as not just a physical activity, but a means of healing, connecting with the spirit world, and achieving harmony. Let’s explore the origins, significance, and impact of lacrosse in Native American society.

Origins of Lacrosse

Native American Origins

The origin of lacrosse can be traced back to Native American communities, where the game was played long before the arrival of European colonizers. Different Native American tribes had their own variations of the game, each with unique rules and playing styles. Among the earliest records of lacrosse in Native American culture are the games played by the Iroquois Confederacy, particularly the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) people.

Different Forms and Variations

Lacrosse took various forms across different Native American tribes, reflecting the diversity of Indigenous cultures. For example, the Cherokee people had a version called “Ani Tsiskwa,” which primarily focused on developing warfare skills. On the other hand, the Choctaw people played a more recreational version called “Toli,” which emphasized community bonding and entertainment. These variations highlight the adaptive nature of lacrosse within Native American societies, serving different purposes depending on the tribe and its specific cultural context.

Why Was Lacrosse Called The Medicine Game?

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Significance of Lacrosse in Native American Culture

Spiritual and Healing Aspects

Lacrosse holds immense spiritual significance for Native American communities. It is believed that the game originates from the Creator and serves as a spiritual bridge connecting the physical and spiritual realms. The Creator is said to have given lacrosse to the tribes as a tool for uniting the mind, body, and spirit. The game is seen as a means to maintain harmonious relationships with the natural world, the community, and the spirit world.

Symbolism and Rituals

The symbolism and rituals associated with lacrosse further emphasize its spiritual significance. Before each game, players engage in ritualistic practices, such as the “Ga-lu-yee-sdi,” which involves burning sage or sweetgrass to purify the space. Players also wear traditional regalia and paint their faces with powerful symbols representing elements of nature, spiritual protection, and personal identity. These rituals not only honor the game’s origins but also reinforce the connection between players, the game, and the spiritual realm.

The Role of Medicine in Native American Society

Concept of Medicine

In Native American culture, medicine encompasses more than just physical healing; it encompasses balance and harmony in all aspects of life. Native American medicine revolves around the belief that everything in the world is interconnected, and maintaining this interconnectedness is essential for overall well-being. The concept of medicine is deeply woven into their way of life, encompassing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects.

Traditional Healing Practices

Native American medicine incorporates various traditional healing practices that aim to restore balance and harmony within individuals and communities. These practices include herbal remedies, healing ceremonies, sweat lodges, and storytelling. Traditional healers, often referred to as medicine people or shamans, play a vital role in diagnosing and treating illnesses, both physical and spiritual. Their knowledge and wisdom are passed down through generations, ensuring the preservation of cultural healing traditions.

Why Was Lacrosse Called The Medicine Game?

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Connection between Lacrosse and Medicine

Physical Health Benefits

Engaging in lacrosse offers numerous physical health benefits, aligning with the concept of medicine in Native American society. The game requires physical strength, agility, and endurance, promoting overall fitness. Regular participation in lacrosse helps improve cardiovascular health, muscular strength, and coordination. Additionally, the fast-paced nature of the game contributes to increased metabolism and calorie burn, aiding in weight management and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Emotional and Mental Well-being

Lacrosse also contributes to emotional and mental well-being, another aspect of Native American medicine. Through the game, players can release stress, improve mood, and enhance cognitive abilities. The camaraderie and teamwork fostered during matches create a supportive environment that helps alleviate feelings of isolation and promotes a sense of belonging. Moreover, the game can serve as a form of expression and personal growth, allowing individuals to connect with their emotions and find catharsis.

Lacrosse as a Tool for Healing

Healing Rituals and Ceremonies

Lacrosse is not only seen as a game but also as a tool for healing and restoring harmony within individuals and communities. Healing rituals and ceremonies associated with lacrosse are performed with the intention of bringing balance to physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life. These rituals often involve specific prayers, songs, dances, and offerings to the spirits. By engaging in these ceremonies, participants seek to cleanse themselves of negative energies and promote well-being.

Lacrosse in Healing Communities

Lacrosse has also historically been used to heal communities affected by conflict or hardship. In times of war or turmoil, tribes would come together and play lacrosse as a way to mend broken relationships, restore trust, and promote unity. The game provided an opportunity for communities to set aside differences, focusing instead on the shared experience and the bonds created through participation. Lacrosse, therefore, served as a powerful means of healing not just individuals but entire tribes.

Why Was Lacrosse Called The Medicine Game?

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Lacrosse as a Spiritual Game

Connection to the Spirit World

Lacrosse is deeply intertwined with spirituality, serving as a gateway to the spirit world. During games, players aim to connect with their ancestors and seek guidance from the spirits. It is believed that the Creator and ancestors watch over the game, influencing the outcome and providing spiritual protection to the players. The connection to the spirit world enhances the spiritual experience of lacrosse, making it more than just a physical activity.

Prayer and Sacrifice during Games

Prayer and sacrifice play an integral role in lacrosse as a spiritual game. Before each match, players engage in prayer to seek blessings, strength, and guidance from the spirits. They also make personal sacrifices, offering tobacco, feathers, or other items of significance as a way to honor the Creator and show respect for the game. These acts of prayer and sacrifice further deepen the spiritual connection between the players, the spirit world, and the game itself.

The Medicine Game as a Path to Harmony

Balance and Harmony in Native American Philosophy

Balance and harmony are fundamental principles in Native American philosophy. The concept of medicine is closely tied to achieving this balance within oneself, with others, and with the natural world. Lacrosse, as the “Medicine Game,” serves as a means to embody and practice these principles. By engaging in the game, players learn to harmonize their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects, ultimately leading to a more harmonious existence.

Lacrosse as a Means of Achieving Harmony

Lacrosse promotes the values of teamwork, cooperation, and respect, which are necessary for maintaining harmony within a community. The game teaches individuals to work together, putting aside personal differences and focusing on the collective well-being. Through the physicality and mental challenges of lacrosse, players learn important life lessons, such as discipline, perseverance, and resilience — all of which contribute to personal growth and the cultivation of harmony.

Colonization and Impact on Native American Culture

Forced Assimilation

The arrival of European colonizers had a profound impact on Native American cultures, including their traditional sports and traditions. Through forced assimilation policies, indigenous practices were suppressed, and Native American communities were prohibited from participating in lacrosse and other cultural activities. This suppression resulted in the loss of traditional knowledge, rituals, and the spiritual significance associated with lacrosse.

Suppression of Native Sports and Traditions

European settlers sought to suppress Native American sports and traditions as part of their efforts to control and erase Indigenous cultures. Lacrosse, once a celebrated and widespread game, became marginalized and forgotten. However, in recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in lacrosse among Native American communities, leading to a reclamation of cultural practices and the revitalization of the “Medicine Game.”


Lacrosse’s status as the “Medicine Game” reflects its deep-rooted spiritual significance, healing properties, and role in Native American culture. Native American communities have recognized the transformative power of lacrosse for centuries, utilizing it as a tool for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Despite colonization and the suppression of indigenous practices, lacrosse has persevered as a symbol of resilience and cultural revitalization. As we honor the legacy of lacrosse as the “Medicine Game,” we acknowledge its enduring spirit and its ability to foster harmony, on and off the field, among individuals and communities alike.